Thank you for your willingness to support our church.

Recognizing that God provides all that we have, we believe in giving thankfully, cheerfully, and generously in order to show that God is worth more than our money. These gifts fuel the work of our church in our local congregation, our city, and around the world. Ultimately, we give because Jesus has given to us (2 Corinthians 8:9).


Give online through this link. You can log in to use your saved payment information or create a new profile the first time you give. Be advised that credit or debit card transactions incur a 2.15% + 30¢ fee and ACH transfers incur a 25¢ fee, which you can include in your gift if desired.


Text an amount to give to 84321. You’ll receive a link where you can search for “Redeemer Bible Fellowship” located in Mountain View, California to set up your payment information. From then on, you can give to any church fund through a text message. Be advised that credit or debit card transactions incur a 2.15% + 30¢ fee and ACH transfers incur a 25¢ fee, and you cannot include these fees in your gift using this method.


cash or Check

Place your gifts, cash or check, in the offering boxes directly across from the entrance to the sanctuary. Please make checks payable to “Chinese Church in Christ - Mountain View.”



Transfer stock to our church’s Charles Schwab account. This is a relatively easy and tax-advantaged way to donate. You can initiate giving through your personal brokerage account using the information below:

Charles Schwab
211 Main Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Direct Transfer Code: 0164
Church Account Number: 2288-9877
Church EIN: 77-0115296

When you do make the transfer, please e-mail with the type of stock and the amount so that you receive the appropriate tax deduction. Without this information, we will not be able to issue you a receipt. Our church’s policy is to sell the assets after they are received so that the funds can be used for ministry.


Bill Pay: Have your offering deducted from your checking account, either on a recurring or one-time basis. See your bank or credit union for details, but be sure to note what ministry your gift is meant for.

Donor-Advised Fund: Give cash, stocks, mutual funds, and more through a donor-advised fund, such as a Fidelity Charitable or Schwab Charitable account.


Contact if you have any questions or need additional assistance.